If you're having trouble with the Slate app, please download the latest update from the App Store.
 For sign in trouble, you might try minimizing the window rather than closing out of it and signing back into your account as needed.

If you are receiving an error "Problem Linking Account", please close the error window, and you should find you are able to continue reading. This message is not a reflection of your Plus member status.

If you signed up for Slate Plus on the Slate website...

1. Go to the menu in the upper left corner of the app


3. If you are signed into the app all content should be accessible and podcast will automatically play the ad-free Plus version in place of the regular one. If you are hearing ads and you are signed in, try locating the episode from the "Daily Feed" icon under the shows tab rather than the individual show subsection.

If you signed up for Slate Plus through Slate's iOS app...


If you want to access certain membership benefits outside of the iOS app, you’ll need to associate your iOS subscription with a member account on Slate’s website. To do that, follow the instructions here.

Other issues?

If you were able to sign in but are still having problems accessing your Slate Plus benefits, verify your account status by following these step from Apple or check out the instructions here.